Monday, April 29, 2013

Celebrities Influence on our Youth Generation.

Celebrities are known for having the biggest influence in today’s modern age.

In today’s modern society children and teens are more likely to listen to the comments and influence of a celebrity rather than their parents. Some of the influences comes from the media sources that tend to thrive on negative behavior as opposed to those who are making a positive difference in life. Therefore, is important that celebrities are aware of their relevance on the youth generation and that their behavior can be responsible for the younger generations influence on music, fashion, drugs and alcohol as well as sexual activity.

The age group that is affected the most in society turns out to be our youth.
The younger generation is affected the most in society because the Internet is more accessible to the younger crowd, especially when the Internet is loaded with new social networks often that continues to grab the attention of their young minds and allow them to keep a close watch on some of their celebrity role models. The problem seen in our younger generation is that there are some celebrities who can negatively impact today’s youth. May Wildman, University of Maryland Journalism major and teachers assistant shared her thoughts about whether or not the younger generation is effected by some of the negative behaviors displayed by some of their favorite celebrities. Wildman claims “not celebrity news would affect negative behaviors such as drugs, sexual activity and alcohol but more so Television shows or movies and friends.”
Wildman also agrees, generally celebrities tend to influence the younger generations sense of fashion, mostly because the youth have more access to keep up with trends by reading magazines such as People Magazine, which allows you to catch up on any gossip or a celebrity’s current lifestyle. Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are also the younger crowd’s gateway to keeping up with trends because these social networks allow them to keep in contact with some of their favorite celebrities so they can base their styles off of them or just because they perceive them as a role model. For example, celebrities like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez may connect to younger audiences since they are teens themselves. In fact, more programs on Television are for the younger generation. Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and MTV reach out to an audience particularly ranging from young childhood to adolescence. Wildman says the age group in her opinion that is the most effected positively by celebrities would range from eight to twelve years old because they established a skeptical point of view that has made them less impressionable to negative behavior. So once you read a certain age you are then able to tell whether or not what you are watching is positive or negative content.

 Youth are becoming susceptible to Negative behavior in society.
Today the media is everywhere society turns. Fans are able to feel a part of their favorite celebrity’s everyday life by tracking their whereabouts. It gives the younger generation a connection and a sense of closeness to celebrities. The ability to constantly know what is happening with celebrities is something that the younger generation is curious about.  However, the power of the celebrity has taken control over teens and has created negative influences in their life. I interviewed a man on the street who shared his own theory; he explained that he believes the negative behavior does not have much of an effect on society. Studies show that teens are now becoming more experimental and are linked to anything perceived as enjoyable. For example, MTV’s television station has had the largest audience coming from ages twelve through thirty-four. Out of the 32 million teenagers in America there are 8.5 million teenagers that tune in to watch this channel each day. The reality show about the lives of Italian party animals “Jersey Shore” has made history for being the most popular program on MTV. This simply means teens are attracted to watching people’s open lives. Even though the characters on the show represent alcoholics, and are constantly showing  sexual activity, it is clear that teens will follow anything perceived as cool according to  follow the narrow road Since the show aired,teens began mocking the celebrities of the show and carrying on their tradition of being party animals.

Do Celebrities have a positive or negative effect?
Whether or not celebrities actually have a positive or negative effect will remain as a huge debate. According to 68 percent of Americans, people would agree that celebrities have a negative effect on teens and 32 percent claim that they have more of a positive effect on the younger generation.

Truth is that good deeds tend to be outweighed, whenever a celebrity messes up therefore society is responsible for fueling the fire and promoting impractical lifestyles that some of our favorite celebrities live.From my research, I believe that celebrities have the biggest effect on the younger generation because this generation are vulnerable to celebrity influences.

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired of the media influencing the way my kids should dress! I just don't know what to do sometimes. But the strangers at Click2Scream are helping me cope with my pent up anger. Give 'screaming' a shot today! .Oh, and did I mention it's anonymous?!
